Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hey everyone! Thanks to all who read my blog! As some of you might know, I was not able to go to Mumbai. I had booked my ticket a month and half in advance to go to Mumbai because I wanted to visit my orphange which is nearby in Pune. However, the night before I went the terrorist attacks occured in front of the train station. I feel so blessed to be protected by God!! I was disappointed I wasn't able to see my orphange, but my gratefulness outweighed my disappoinment. I didn't need to go to my orphanage to see how blessed I was. I realized it by living in Kerala and traveling around how blessed I am to have parents who love and support me no matter what. I am now back in the US and had a wonderful break spending time with my family and friends. I was able to learn so much while I was in India and am grateful to everyone who became apart of my wide range of friends and assisted me. India has definately been a learning experience for me in terms of learning about the country I was born in and also for learning how to intergrate myself in another culture. Now that I am back in the US, I took parts of India back with me and integrated in my life. For example, I now realize how important family and friends are and I cherish these relationships more. I have realized how entirely different India is from the US and now I am grateful to be able to see both cultures through my eyes. Again, I appreciate all your comments and taking time to read my blog. Don't worry, it's not the last time I'll be in India! I'll visit again and again to the country in which I was born. Now that I have gone, I feel that I have much more to explore in parts of North India and want continue the wonderful relationships that I began in the beautiful state of Kerala. These are memories which can never be forgotten.